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Partner Certification Programme Benefits

Partner Certification Programme Benefits

The Logos Solvo Partner Certification Programme has several benefits for the Partner, the customer and for Logos Solvo.

  • The Partner gains the knowledge to successfully sell the product into the market.
  • The Partner has the confidence that the product fulfils the market requirements.
  • The Partner gains access to Logos Solvo’ experience in deploying the product. The certification programme provides recognition for product expertise to individuals and to the Partner company.
  • Partners can capitalize on the demand for new products.  As a Logos Solvo Certified Partner, the company will enjoy an early entry into the market with newly launched products.
  • As a globally recognized brand, the Logos name lends additional credibility to companies that achieve Certified Partner status.
  • Customers are confident that the Partner has the knowledge to address their questions about the product.

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